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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chasing the Dream #7 - Worthy of a "Balata Ball"

During yesterday's experience with one of my coaches, while chasing dream #7, we played some golf together and were discussing how we were going to chase the dream, plans need to be laid out and more over "What" are we doing this for. All good things.

 As the time progressed, it occured to me I was working far harder the he was. It was not for a lack of talent as we are both very seasoned at golf, it was not due to physical conditioning again, we are both in good shape (especially for his age ha!) so what was it? He was not dealing with mental issues, that apparently, I was.     

When we started discussing it, I had a flashback from when I was 11. (Yes, that was a while ago, shut up! ;) ) I flashed back to asking my Father for some "Balata Balls" to play in a tournament. For those of you who do not know golf, Balata Balls back then were the best balls on the market, all tournament professionals played them. There was just one draw back, if you miss hit any shot the ball would be cut and ultimately ruined. Thus, you could go through a sleeve (3) of balls per round or more. However, they were so soft, that you could spin and work the ball, thus creating more opportunities to score and perhaps win the competition. It would be compared to a mountain bike's tires. If you place those skinny racing tires on a mountain bike, like Lance Armstrong uses, you probably will blow a few tires. Yet if you place the normal mountain bike tires on the bike you may blow a tire or two but you will get a lot further with the proper equipment.

As I was flashing back, during this round to the "Balata Balls" it occurred to me, I have a subconscious program (a voice in my head) that says "I have to work twice as hard, in order to get the same results." This voice had not showed up, to my knowledge in some years (you do the math! lol) only now on the course when i needed my mindset to be in attack mode, to score well. Rather I was in the mode of "working" at the game, instead of playing it and was getting my butt kicked! I had found out that due to my Father's "Frugalness" (ha he was cheap, I'll say it) he placed a program in me saying you will just have to work hard, with less. While, all the other boys had nice shiney new clubs and Balata Balls I was playing clubs I had to build myself and "DT" balls (very hard and rarely cut, but hard to control and of course cheaper) and feeling "Less than." (Children are masters at "Teasing" and making you feel "Less than" or separate)

Needless to say, i have been working and changing that mindset all night and have done so. Today look at yourself, your partner or your children and are you subconsciously telling them "you are not worthy of a Balata Ball?" I am not saying spoil them but if you can and it is only couple of bucks, which is more important; saving the couple of bucks now or spending thousands of hours and time on therapy later when they have to work out (hopefully they do) their self worth issues? 

I am lucky enough to have the skills to change that mindset instantly but it took 20 years to master the "mental" game that I now coach on. So you could say it was my Karma with my Father, yes that could be true, however aren't your parents supposed to help you become well balanced adults? Afterall, Dad is the one who got me into golf, only to then handcuff my play by then not supporting my success? That my friends is a mixed message and children will unknownly take the strongest message they recieve and make it a "life long program." For if mom/dad say it is so it must be, as they take care of me is the logic they arrive at.

Hug those around you, tell them they are worthy of their dreams, support them all in you can in all ways, even if it just means letting them know they are worthy of "Balata Balls" if even you can't afford them, telling them you BELIEVE is worth more than anything.

Until next time, I am Still chasing Dream #7, thanks for reading.


We have "Self-esteem" and "Success Attitude" programs for download written and recorded by me (Dr. Fox) at (Hey for couple of bucks you can program their subconscious for success, straight A's or attitude, what's that worth!)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chasing the Dream #7

I know most of you know about dreams, no not the ones you have a night, although they could be interesting too. Rather, I am taking about the ones that you always wanted to chase, experience and tell stories about; true adventure with all its ups and downs.

Well I too have them and I am chasing one of my top 10 dreams of all time. I will not completely disclose the totally and scope of this particular dream, however I am inviting anyone and everyone to join in and watch, moreover inspire you, to chase at least one of your own.

I will provide updates here on the blog that will show, my thoughts, remedies, ups and downs chasing this dream over the next six months, win or lose, pass or fail, this is an all out assault on those who say, "your too old," "your time as past" or my personal favorite "You got grow up sometime!" (says who?)

Today is day 1, really day 3, but day 1 of reporting. I have changed my diet and am on a strict 1600 calorie a day intake. This one tastes good, by the way and it is keeping my body in a highly tuned state of attention. (We will need that later!)

 Started P90X, the greatest exercise program ever invented and am also doing mediation and/0r Tai Chi daily for some of the mental aspects. ( Those will be need later too!)

I have asked two friends of mine, coaches in their own rights to assist me in chasing dream #7 and today I meet with both of them separately. I will let you know who they are once and if they give me permission, as it is their choice on that, not mine. (Even coaches need coaches, including me!)

What is your dream #7 of your top #10? Reply to this post with you dream #7 and let's help ALL of us chase our own dreams, while assisting in others chasing theirs!


PS> You can check out my weekly series on and for downloading "Hypno-Help" programs for chasing your dream go to

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Are you a "HyPerformance Person" - Oct 30, 2011

 If you have lived on this planet for any amount of time, you have already awoken with the feeling that life is passing you by. That feeling, that life is out of control, and no matter how hard you try to change, fight and ignore this feeling, it keeps coming back.
Even if some can find momentary relief, this feeling tends to linger in the shadows. Like the grim reaper it chases you through life draining you of energy, distracting you until you feel as if the whole world knows your secrets and is using them against you.
Now, if you are ready to leave all of this behind, your mind probably is racing with questions or random thoughts and your body is feeling a mixture of emotions. Where did this all come from? You did not read this article to think about pain struggle and strife. You are here for a solution; you are here to finally live your life as fully, richly and deeply as possible, right? The steps I will lay out will change your life and lead you on the path you have been searching for, the path to being a “HyPerformance PersonTM
Let’s agree for the sake of this article that you are made up of three components; mind, body and spirit.
Breaking this down, the mind has two separate components; Conscious and Unconscious. The body is everything else inside the human coil you call “you” and the Spirit, well, let’s leave that one for a little later.
Starting with the conscious mind, there are a few things that you need to know about.

1.     The conscious mind holds only one thought per second.
2.     The conscious mind can only keep track of 7 or 8 pieces of information before it loses control.
3.     Pipeline for the “ego” and the drawing board for the “imprisonment” the ego seeks to have over you, your mind and your life.
Focus now on number two for a second, think about how many things you can keep in the forefront of your mind at the same time before you start forgetting what you are trying to remember.
Do you come home every day and put your car keys in the same place? This is done so that the next time you need them you don’t take up headspace trying to remember where you placed them.
One day you are in a rush trying to get out the door and you discover those keys are mysteriously not where you usually place them. You search frantically for several minuets before returning to the spot that they “always” are, and somehow they are there. The truth is they were always there. The limited power of your forgetful conscious mind and the ego that loves to create havoc in your life and head is why you did not see them.
In order to prevent this we must shape our basic thoughts so they come from an automated place, not unlike a computer, which has many “automated programs” running in background even when the computer is sleeping. So too, should it be with us.
So what is a “HyPerformance PersonTM”? This is someone who operates at a financial and emotional level with comfort and ease, someone who just has that Midas touch. This is a person who moves from the deepest and purest part of themselves, their spirit. The spirit is the place in you that knows “Peace Beyond UnderstandingTM.” That special feeling that allows those days when everything just flows without your effort, when you just exist. If you seek to release yourself, you need only do one thing; explore you.
Here is this month’s “Psyche-scriptionTM” for starting to become a “HyPerformance PersonTM,”
1. Take 10 minutes a day, (yes really just 10 minutes) and sit motionless. Start to discipline your body via your mind.
2. During that 10 minutes, think about what you really want, no matter how big or how small. Allow your imagination to create the feeling, the look, the shape and/or the experience of what you want.
3. Write down what you want on a 3x5 card before you go to sleep at night. This allows the cementing of your day-work and night-work to focus your mind on what you really want.
By allowing yourself to place thought-energy into what you really want even for short periods of time daily it clears your mind of the clutter. Just watch, it will start to show up in “Coincidence,” “Déjà vu” or other things you normally dismiss.
Remember, “It is never too late to become the person you always thought and felt you could beSM.” May your life forever be changing and may you become the greatest of explorers, until next month…

Dr. Travis Fox, DCH, PhD
“Where’s the Cool’s “Head” CoachTM

For additional "Tips" on this CLICK HERE for Video by Dr. Fox

Friday, October 28, 2011

Becoming a “Limitless” person - Dr. Fox Oct 28, 2011

Most of you have probably seen, or at least heard of the recent Hollywood movie, “Limitless,” what you probably haven’t really heard much about is how does one become “Limitless” in their own lives? This post we thought we would do just that.
First what cause “limits” in a person and why would anyone, in their right mind, place limits on themselves?
As to the “causes” of limits it really boils down to two major veins:
            1. The conscious mind and its ability, or inability pending your point of view, to “Filter” our external worlds and creates a perception about our environment.
            2. The subconscious mind, when simply bombarded with the same conscious thought energy creates a limit, or belief, based on the conscious mind’s perception and shazamm, you have limiting belief structure before you know it!
Then you ask, “Why would anyone limit themselves?” It happens everyday and some limitations are so subtle, most don’t know the limits are there until it is too late and a really block or habit has occurred in their lives.
Here are some of the reasons most often people allow and keep limitations in their world.
            1. The limitation creates a “definable” world around them – Control.
            2. Keeps one from having to “risk” themselves – Fear of failure or success!
            3. Helps one from “growing” or having to “change” – Control and/or Fear
4. Allows one to become the “Critic” of others, while not having to get in the  “Game”. -  Risk, control, fear.
These are just a few of the “reasons” that we allow limits and limitations into our worlds. Perhaps you have noticed, that you may have more than one “reason” above and probably by now, you have even thought of a few more “originals” on your own! If you are like most, you probably intended on being a limitless person and like most, if you could “take a pill” not unlike the Hollywood hit “Limitless” you would do it today, wouldn’t you.
However, until that “magic pill” is invented we are going to have to just remove our own limitations and get free of our own devices.
Here are some great coaching questions, that I have found have ignited those ready to become limitless people and evolve into something more.
            1. What do you really, really want?
When you read this, you will come up will an array of responses, however, narrow it down to just one item, thing, dream or event that you truly want to experience. Then ask yourself, “What am I afraid of in going after _____?” Sit for a moment and see what comes up from your subconscious; think you will be surprised!
2. What one thing, would you be willing to do right now, that would massively shift your life towards, what you really, really want?
Most of us, really don’t know what we want and once we identify it, we tend to “think” about it so much we forget, what it was that made us really want “it!” We tend to bog ourselves down in so much detail that we overwhelm ourselves and ultimately talk ourselves out of it and go back the “normal” everyday life. By the way, this is also what keeps us up and night “Thinking” about what we really want and why are not getting it!
3. How much time per day, per week and per month would you be willing to devote to your dreams and becoming a limitless person?
Stop for moment and notice how much time is wasted, which by the way is a limitation (excuse), watching TV, laying around, playing computer games or just online etc., imagine what you life could be like, if you took just an hour a day and devoted to writing that book, getting that new online business, going out to the beach for a walk with your lover, go out to a social event or whatever it is that takes one step a day, week or month towards what you really, really want and within a short period of time you will have what you want. What is equally more important, you will have learned how to identify your limits, deal with them and remove them to get on with you life and live your limitless dreams!
Until next posting,
Freedom in Spirit
Dr. Travis Fox
P.S. – Here is a tip, write your answers to the above coaching questions and then put it down for twenty-four hours. Then come back and ready it and ask yourself again, while viewing your previous answers and notice if you still “feel” the same way about them. If not, then it is not what you really, really want do it again!